
Top Features Your Next DMS Should have

A dealer management system (DMS) can simplify daily tasks, streamline operations, and ensure faster, harmonized results, making it essential for heavy equipment dealers to choose the right DMS with key features.
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Ensuring your Legacy - The Digital Dealership

Taking care of the future for your family and yourself

“In the past, the model for an organized business was a phone and a Rolodex (younger readers can Google what that is).   The new digital platforms like your Website, CRM and marketing tools are now the modern Rolodex”

When my team started our marketing efforts, I was stunned to learn there were over 15,000 equipment dealers of all sizes, in North America.  A huge number of these dealers were small organizations, of 1 to 5 team members, who do great business buying, selling, or renting equipment.  In this blog, I want to address the value of Digital Dealerships and brand development for small organizations. This is especially important for those of you who started your dealership and are trying to find ways for your business to support you into your future.  

Over the past few years, I have been lucky enough to work with many small dealers. I admire their tenacity; it takes a lot for these dealers to take their own fate into their hands. Often these dealers are smart and entrepreneurial; most come from larger dealers.  They saw a gap in the market, a niche, they could exploit and make a good living. Now their future depends on how well they execute.   For most of these dealers, their eventual legacy will be what sustains them into retirement and their future generations. 

So how does this related to the Digital Dealership?  

One of the great things about the digital revolution in our industry is the potential to become, with a little investment, more than a person with a Rolodex.  The Digital Dealership, or your digital presence, can help you extend your legacy well into the future in several ways.

First, your digital presence is like having an extra team member or sales rep.   Your existing and new customers can learn about you, answer questions they have for themselves and initiate communication with you all by going through your digital profile.   I have seen lots of small dealers work hard to keep up with quotes, rentals and inventory information in a very laborious way.  Each time sending emails with additional information like pricing.   A well created digital presence can take some of this burden off you.   Now, even if you are a team of one, you are actually a team of two, or even three.  Creating and investing in a Digital Dealership establishes an effective sales path that’s open 24 hours per day. Now, you can focus on getting out to see customers instead of being stuck behind the desk.

Second, for a small growing dealership with big aspirations, a digital presence and platform helps you standardize.  In many cases over the years, I have come across great dealers who are heavily dependent on one or two key salespeople.   Usually, these key players are the owners, or a highly effective salesperson.   The problem with this situation is repeatability.  If one key person exits the business, it’s hard to recover.  Creating a digital presence and a standard process, including CRM, makes your business repeatable.  It lets you add new team members, set a standard operating practice so you can repeat what’s working, with new people.  Your Digital platform can help to transition your customers and maintain the goodwill you’ve built over the years. 

By creating a digital presence and developing a consistent brand, you become more than just a one-on-one relationship. Your hard work over the years, and that of your team, creates a legacy which can be easily understood by new people joining the team. This lets your customers feel like they are still dealing with the original creator of the business, who they first trusted to serve them.  

More and more, we see new business relationships initiated from digital platforms.  Buyers are looking for solid information, in addition to knowledge and great service.  In the past, the model for an organized business was a phone and a Rolodex.   The new digital platforms like your Website, CRM and marketing tools are now the modern Rolodex.  They help you organize and maximize the efforts you have put into the business for many years.  Now you have the tools to have your business support you into the future.   

To build is to have something that lasts; to create a legacy.

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